As a New Jersey family photographer. It is 2020, do you print your photos? Or, like so many, do you have hundreds or maybe even thousands of digital images on your phone, computer or posted on social media. When friends come to you house, do you have to pull your kids latest portraits up on your iPhone to share them, or are they printed and framed on your coffee table? Far to many people no longer print their photos, in fact, photo albums seem to be a thing of the past.
There are a number of reasons to print your photos. Consider some of my favorites, below.
As a professional family photographer, I am obviously a huge proponent of printed photographs. In fact, I have images of all types throughout my home. Frames on shelves, canvases on walls and albums upon albums on coffee tables. I display both beautiful formal portraits and more relaxed and fun candids. There are photos of my immediate and extended family, of my friends and even of my kids and their friends. Each photo represents a moment in our lives and love being able to see them every single day. Tangible photos are, without a doubt, important.
In addition to my personal love of printed photos, my girls love them as well. The ability to look back and see their newborn photos, and pictures of them with their father. Photos with their grandparents are, in a word, priceless. Also, they love memories of their birthday parties, of their dance recitals, and of the prom. I have framed photos displayed around my home of them at all ages and stages – they can see how they have grown-up and remember important times in their lives.
Finally, when you print a photo have, instantly, a gift. As a New Jerey professional photographer, when I present prints to my clients I immediately can see their appreciation. While I offer a variety of beautiful photo products, simply printing a picture can inspire you to give a gift. Have a great family photograph? Drop it in a frame and give it to you mom. That selfie of you and your best girlfriend from childhood, print it and put in in a card and send it to her. Imagine her joy when she gets the mail and has the actual photo in her hands!
In short, printed photos bring joy. Think back to the “good ole days”. You remember, you would take your roll of film to be developed. I remember when we had to MAIL the film and wait for the prints. Then drug stores began to offer developing services. Today, the 24 hour printing turnaround seems like forever, we LOVE the instant gratification of digital images.
Luckily, today we have the most amazing options. We have the ability to take so many pictures and store them electronically. But we also have the opportunity to print them quickly and inexpensively.
So, take my advice as a New Jersey family photographer . Later today take a look through some of our photos. Print them, display them and gift them. Share the joy of a printed photo with those you love.
© 2024 PhotosByGlenna | | 732-207-2422 |